
I recently read a blog post about what microblogging is. It mentioned Twitter and Jaiku. From what I’ve read, those belong to one type of microblog. There’s at least one other type, the tumblelog. A tumblelog is sort of a scrapbook, where ‘ordinary’ blogs are diaries/journals or even a sort of homepage (which in itself can be a lot of things, for instance a sort of business card).

I have a tumblelog on Tumblr, which I use mainly as a photoblog, but where I also post links and other shorter posts that I wouldn’t put on a ‘traditional’ blog. There are also others of roughly the same type, like Publr and Plurk (which is also a kind of social network, but then so are all to some extent). There’s also something called Soup, which is more or less a similar thing.

When worlds collide…

I have loved Second Life for a long time, for the people I met there and for the creative sides of it. Never seen the virtual world as somewhere to make money. On the contrary I’ve always felt that it’s a bit too much money and sex in SL for my taste. For those of you who have read my blog for a while knows I have a store in worlds and products at XstreetSL, but the main reason for that has always been the creative part. I love that people love my creations.

I’ve always been able to use SL as a place for recreation, where I can forget about Real Life for a while. But as RL problems got bigger, the harder it was to relax and forgot. Now I’m facing a big decision. Will I have to downgrade to a free account and sell my land or stay as it is. If I’ll do, I’ll have to find a way to earn enough in SL to keep the land. That means more work with new products, more advertising. Will I have time for that? Will it be enough? Or should I close my eyes and drive off towards the cliff that that will be there at some time.

Why can’t I just move in to SL?