Sunday fun!


Today I spent a couple of hours at the weekly salsa dance at my friend’s place. As always I had a great time. The garden is always open, but the dance event is on every sunday. Check the links for the slurl.


1011After dinner in RL we were back in SL for some live music. First we enjoyed an hour of Joaquin Gustav’s music.
When that hour was over we teleported for some electronic delights with Torben Asp at Rastafairy Beach.


It seemed like the audience at Rastafairy Beach were more unique than the usual crowd of bimbos and machos. It was so fun watching the different avatars dancing around in the beautiful SL night.


Me and my friend danced and had so much fun. When the next performer for the evening arrived it was time to call it a night though.

Salsa Dance at Sphinx!

At the salsa garden

Come and dance in the wonderful dance garden that my best friend Thomas built. Bring a partner or meet someone there. Dance and have a nice friendly chat. Hosted by my good friend cin, she’s the best host around. The dance garden is open every day, but there’s a party there every sunday at 8 am SLT.

You’re invited. Come and say hi to Thomas, cin and me and of course having a really good time.
SLurl to the dance garden