Search confusion

Today I noticed some really strange ways of finding my blog. I really wonder if it’s something they were looking for or is it was some weird messages to me. What can you say about these searches:

lila mill wordpress sorry i bored xd

lila mill hi i am a visitor xd

lila mill i love porn

second life blogs

“rediscover second life”

First search. Hm, who aren’t bored sometimes, but why add the my name to the search term? Are you inviting me to play? And what’s the game?

Second search seems like someone says hi to me. Hi there anonymous visitor. Waves to you. Hm, I usually like when people visiting says hi, so I guess I got what I wished for. Do I know you?

Third search is a puzzle. Does the search refer to the visitor. That the visitor likes porn? Or is he/she trying to get the prude Lila to faint? Smiling. If that’s the case, then you have to try a bit harder 😛

Fourth search is quite popular actually. I’ve seen it a lot before so obviously it’s quite popular to read second life blogs.

Fifths search could mean anything. I did have a blog posts with that exact title though, so maybe it was an old reader wanting to find it again.

Anyway, I really do love to have visitors, except for the 400 visitors/stalkers I got some months back. So perhaps I should say, I love to have nice visitors:)

The comments I get;)

Of course I’m always happy to get comments to my site. Sometimes I get a bit confused though;)

thanks for the great quality of your website, each time i come here, i’m amazed.

Mike Litoris


thanks for the great quality of your website, every time i come here, i’m amazed.

have a nice day,

John McCormick

Both Mike and John obviously like my site especially Ilat’s artist profile. They do have a similar way to express themselves don’t they? They are amazed, how nice isn’t that? :). That’s what all bloggers wants to hear, right?That’s why I was only happy to approve their comments. I’m sure they won’t mind that I edited out a few of the links they were kind enough to give me. Would only confuse things to keep them there, I think. I mean, it could look as if they didn’t want to comment on my blog, only spamming me. So I helped them get their messages through. LOL